Friday, January 1, 2010

The Party Never Ends...

The Party of Life that is...We all (or at least many of us) make New Years' resolutions. Most of them I never keep although I have pretty good intentions. I usually fizzle out a couple of weeks into January and then feel guilty. For me, they are weak attempts and lip service at being a better me. It's an effort at change for the better without a lot of conviction on my part. I get lazy.

In looking back, the one resolution I made and have kept (for many years) is I quit smoking. It wasn't easy but I knew it was important for my health. I was wheezing and dragging. I later learned I had asthma. So which came first the bad effects of cigarettes or asthma? I don't know. I just know it was a good decision. I haven't wavered or smoked in many years. I can say with conviction I will not smoke. That's a fact.

This year I am applying that same fortitude and self discipline to my New Years' resolution. I know I can do whatever I really want to do based on that one year. It doesn't have to be some bad habit that I stop. It can be adding something great I have always wanted to do. I gotta want it bad enough to overcome my old ways. Hold Your Space in a place of change for you. Whatever it is, 2010 looks brighter!

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