Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Love Addiction!

Love Addicts, I write this to any and all of us who have been there! You know who you are. For those of you who have escaped to the other side and live to tell, Congrats! Yes it is just like being in Hell! It is self inflicted because we have totally lost our perspective on what real love is. There is no trust and no peace. We agonize and wring our hearts out over what never could or would have worked.
I have been on both sides of this complicated equation. I know of the pain I write. It's exhausting. Obsession+Panic=Craziness. There is a way out, and you my friend have the key.

You may feel lost and alone ending what you thought was happily ever after. It's not easy going through the dark scary forest of withdrawal alone and you are not. Many have gone before you through the emotional wasteland. You'll make it. HOLD YOUR SPACE Trust and believe in yourself and your decisions. There's a new life waiting.

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