Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Not My First Rodeo

I have a date this evening. It's been awhile since I've been on a date or seen this guy. I went out with him  last summer. I didn't return his call when he contacted me again.  I was just really busy, and maybe a little not that  interested. So It's been 6 months, he's called again and I'm going.  We'll see what develops.

He's been with an NFL team  (not as a Player) for many years, and is now a college coach.  The red flags that went up were around all that testosterone. Although I like a man's man, what's his attitude toward women? Does he see them as decorative objects like the cheerleaders on the sidelines? How interested is he in what I have to say?  How much has he grown?  I've been around this block before. Not my first Rodeo.  Although a lot older ( and hopefully wiser) I have been a "show pony." The perfect mans' accessory, attractive and personable, with a side of polite dinner party and cocktail conversation.

Today I know what I want. It has taken me awhile to figure it out and I'm still learning. I've had relationships both good and bad and I've learned from each one. It's not easy I'll say that!  I've had to know myself well enough to understand what it is I want in a relationship. Now it's a matter of holding my space for what I want, not selling myself (or the other person) short. This is just a date, but I'll know more about him. Not to sound harsh, but I'll know if I want to spend any more of my precious time in his company.

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