Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Danger Will Robinson

Sometimes we stay in relationships even when we know we should leave. We have hoped beyond hope it could work. Deep in our heart of hearts we know better. When we have to plan to get out, an escape plan, we have probably stayed too long. It's OK. Don't worry about your stuff. You can always get more. Stuff is replaceable, you are not. Your safety is the biggest concern. We become immune to the level of stress and danger we are living in. We become numb to it. It's a little bit different than denial. You think you can handle it. You have already been dealing with it. Just remember there is always an "X" factor, the unknown. It could be you we read about in the paper. Trust that the doors will open up for you and you will make it. Listen to the part of you that knows you deserve better. You don't have to live this way. It will all work out, just take the first step out the door. Don't look back, and no matter what he says, don't ever go back.

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