Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Death by Faking It

Women Fake it and Men Fake it... (some) Men fake a future to get what they want in the present and (some) women fake the present to get a future they see as security. Why is it women fake orgasms and men fake affection? Are we really getting what we want?
Many stay in marriages/relationships vacant of joy and just pretend. We think can avoid or delay any impending pain by remaining in the status quo. On autodrive through life. There is the fear if we leave we will never find anyone...so we fake it. Why not just be alone? Learn to like ourselves? Where did we learn to live a life full of false pretenses? We die daily slow deaths by faking it. Before we know it, life has passed us by. If you've given it your best shot, Get Real. Save yourself and the other party lots of heartache, let it go. Better to face the unknown than Death by Faking it. Dragging it out due to guilt or fear just makes it all the more complicated when the ending in inevitable.

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