Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Waiting Game

I find one of the most stressful and energy robbing times is waiting for results of tests. I'm speaking of medical test results. The same waiting period can apply to many other areas of our lives. Waiting to hear about a job, a house, etc. Medical test results, however, can threaten our life as we know it, its longevity and how we continue to live the remainder of our time here. Soooo it stays at the top of my list of major challenging times.
What will the outcome be? How do we deal with the waiting? I am in that waiting time period now. My daughter is awaiting test results that will be life changing. Her important results are in an envelope ( sitting somewhere ) until her MDs return to town on Monday. The results were complete on Friday. He was not available. I am practicing Holding my Space and allowing the unknown to be just that. It ain't easy! I pray for positive results and for the strength to move forward and support her if they are not. Obsessing? At times...then turning my mind to the positive. I have no control over the outcome only how I respond to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.