Sunday, May 23, 2010

Getting Real

Why is it so hard to get real and ask for what we want in a new relationship? Our feet are off of the ground and it's as close to magical as a kid at Christmas. We're in the glow of the new and floating around in the love bubble. No one wants to have it "pop" or go away.  Seems like getting real would just be a damper and  cause it all to come to an end. But, eventually, get real we must if the relationship has any chance of lasting.  

What's hardest to talk about gets put on the back burner. First it simmers then when it's beginning to boil over we have to pay attention. Our self is talking to us and we can no longer deny it for the sake of holding on to the new. Maybe we're avoiding 'cause we know it can't last if we get real and we don't want to give up the fantasy just yet.

Bite the bullet. There's no pretending. Take a risk and  talk what it is you want in the relationship.  It's the fear of taking off our mask, and being loved (or not) for who we are at our core that is at stake here. holdyourspace If you have to pretend or stuff it, you are denying the truth of who you are, and for what?  To thine own self be true. Don't settle and don't hide. The rewards are great. You deserve all the good life has for you.

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