Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lying Married Men: Wormeos

The Worms! the Cads!  They are Wormeos!

Nothing is more distasteful to me than a man (or a woman) who will cheat and run around on his wife (or her husband)

I have now joined the ranks of women who have been out with a married man, unbeknownst to me.
I have been out to dinner multiple times and even kissed him goodnight. When my friends asked me about him, I said " I'm just not sure about him." He seemed honest. Although I did feel the need to google him The first time I went out with him. Just  for confirmation. Everything he said checked out. Nowhere did I read he was a married man. He told me he had been married and divorced a long time ago. I believed him. He said he had been in serious relationships over the years and had lived with a woman. Seemed reasonable. For some reason I had some kind of doubt about him. I told a friend there was a missing puzzle piece and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. 

An acquaintence through work had set me up with him. He was new to town and didn't know many
people. He called me right away to meet me, and we went soon after.
I was online this morning and saw a link to speech he had given last summer when he was inducted into the football hall of fame. I was curious to see what he had said and what kind of a speaker he was. At the end of his speech he thanked his wife for putting up with him "for all these years" ! Imagine my surprise! I was stunned and angry! If I had been really into him I 'm sure I'd be hurt, the Jerk! Live and learn. I'm learning more and more about trusting the part of me that knows when something is off. I suspected he might be dating other women or even have a girlfriend, but not a wife!( in another state) That never even crossed my mind.

He texted me about our upcoming date and wanted to see me Monday night. Said he couldn't wait..I texted back...
"So has your wife been putting up with you seeing other women all this time? I'm just not into small men. No"

I have heard not a word nor a letter text'd. Goodbye and Good riddance!
He's a good liar. I'm sure they all are! How sad, and I thought he was a decent man.  His poor wife! A good liar is not a good trait to have!

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