Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jake the Fake

For those of you who watch the Bachelorette, (and I do) I must express a little of what my take is after watching the recent airing of Vienna and Jakes sad and expected ending. Yes, Vienna is young, and maybe a tad emotional and immature.  I have to hand it to the girl, she was out of the box and off the chain!  Vienna spoke her mind on national TV and exposed Jake for who he is.  Fake.  She may have had some tantrums, but who wouldn't with a self absorbed AH like Jake? On the last ABC airing of their demise,  I would have liked to see Vienna hold her space. She could have relished in her power instead of walking out crying, but so what? She made her point and she was real.  Angry? Yes, she was hurt and pissed. I don't think it was what she thought she was getting into when she said "Yes!" to Jake. (and to the sparkler of a ring of course.) The Bachelor/Bachelorette endings are a bit like going to Disneyland but they're fun to watch, or we wouldn't tune in.  
Who hasn't been frustrated with a man like Jake? At first he appears genuine and sincere as if he has it together. Later you discover he's totally shallow, as I think Jake is.  ABC has a vested interest in protecting Jake. I'm just pleased Vienna called him out, and that ABC didn't edit her out. "Fame whore"... yup.  I think he's uptight, has a superior attitude and believes he's the all American "good guy" and oh sooooo special.  Early on, in the previous Bachelorette, ( her name escapes me ) Jake said he had not had a relationship that lasted a year.  Now we know why.  He loves Jake.  He wants a woman for an accessory, not one who can talk.

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