The train stations are great for people watching. The people are fit and hip, saw only one or two overweight people and thought they were probably Americans. We rode trains from Frankfurt, Berlin, overnight to Munich and on to Garmisch. It's good to go first class if you are traveling much by train. The ICE trains (Inter City Express) are the best. Get international calling. I bought an iphone before we left and was so glad I did. Better to use it for texting or for judicious calling, like a flat tire on the Autobahn. Get the adapter for your phone, no need for one for a hairdryer most hotels have them. Pack lightly, I took too many clothes, didn't wear them, and paid for it by lugging a heavy suitcase.
Skoda Superb is a great little car I'd never heard of. It's made by Volkswagen and not exported to the US. I drove east from Berlin in Germany and across Poland and back. The country was beautiful and the people kind and helpful. Except in Gdansk were someone shot me the finger, due to my driving, at least I think. Get a car with a navigation system, she, "Skodetta" saved us! I took some pics and will post them as soon as I figure out how. It's good to be home, in the words of Dorothy, there's no place like it!