Tuesday, July 15, 2008


The biggest challenge when in a new relationship is to keep your feet on the ground and your eye on the ball. The "ball" is your life. FOCUS. What do you need to do to take good care of yourself in this new exciting time? When obsessing about him (and your life together) seems to be the greatest pastime you ever could dream of, get MOVING! DO something, anything, to get your energy moving and kickstart your day! Take care of business. You did have a life before he came along and somehow managed to live it. Whatever happens you still have a life...don't let the ball drop on you. You' re worth it. Keep it in the air. Your girlfriends (as much as they love you) may begin to tire of the minutia that is the new relationship and the "he said," "he said," and "he said".
He will call you again. Remember he is interested in you, too. You really can't mess it up...(within reason)..if you are meant to be together. There is nothing that interests a man less than a woman who is only focused on him and has no interests of her own.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

...and Again

Why is that (as women) we loose our heads when it comes to men and love? When we are smitten and bitten by the bug...all sense of being grounded goes out the proverbial window and we obsess and obsess like being 13 (again and again) with no experience at all! I'm not talking about the initial excitement that is light and fun. I'm talking about the rapid heartbeat sweaty palms and major attack of insecurity accompanied by sheer panic! Get a Grip!

Not all women go through this phenomenon...just most of my friends and myself. It takes a village of true girlfriends to keep a woman from "loosing it" (herself) when activated by the love bug! This generally occurs after things are going well and a speed bump or a pot hole is hit. We forget how wonderful WE are and wonder about what HE is thinking.. and HE is probably not!
My best advice is don't call him. HOLD YOUR SPACE..he knows your number and will find you when and if he wants to!